Tag: California Water Institute Water Bootcamp

  • Water Awareness Month: Water Bootcamp Week 4 (Spanish)

    Water Awareness Month: Water Bootcamp Week 4 (Spanish)

    Mayo es el Mes de la Concientización sobre el Agua y el Instituto del Agua de California (CWI), la División de Investigación y Educación del Estado de Fresno, organizará su […]

  • Water Awareness Month: Water Bootcamp Week 3

    Water Awareness Month: Water Bootcamp Week 3

    May 24th (English) Groundwater Overview Groundwater Recharge  Groundwater Regulations May is Water Awareness Month and the California Water Institute (CWI) – Research and Education Division at Fresno State is set […]

  • Water Awareness Month: Water Bootcamp Week 2

    Water Awareness Month: Water Bootcamp Week 2

    May 17th (English) Surface Water Rights  Surface Water and Distribution Private Well Ownership  May is Water Awareness Month and the California Water Institute (CWI) – Research and Education Division at […]

  • Water Awareness Month: Water Bootcamp Week 1

    Water Awareness Month: Water Bootcamp Week 1

    May 10th (English) Hydrology, Watersheds & Climate Change Stormwater Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta  May is Water Awareness Month and the California Water Institute (CWI) – Research and Education Division at Fresno […]